Letting Administrator Apprentice
Dealing with all new landlord and tenant enquiries.
On boarding new landlords and tenants.
Preparing property particulars for advertising.
Keeping landlords’ updates with the progress of their property marketing.
Liaising with contractors, tenants and landlords on maintenance issues.
Managing tenant inquiries, leases, and renewals.
Coordinating property maintenance and repairs.
Minimum of 6 hours per week spent on apprenticeship work and training.
Working towards your Housing & Property Management Level 3 Qualification, you’ll attend monthly 1-2-1 meetings (online via teams every month – NO classroom OR college!) with your tutor and learn about modules including decision making & collaborative working, housing legislation, tenancy types, and more!
You will be given a minimum of 3 hours per week to complete any apprenticeship work (assignments, research, and projects) and will receive at least another 3 hours of training from your employer. All apprenticeship work and training is completed in the workplace, during working hours.
Training Outcome:
As with any apprenticeship opportunity – if you prove yourself to be a valuable member of the team there is a strong chance of a permanent post within the business.
Employer Description:
Melanie Estates is a small independent Estate Agency, specialising in Residential property lettings and management.
Working Hours :
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Communication skills,Attention to detail,Organisation skills,Customer care skills,Problem solving skills,Administrative skills,Number skills,Analytical skills,Team working,Patience