Salesforce Administrator Apprentice
The main responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Performing regular data management and data quality tasks Supporting CRM users across the business, including creating reports and dashboards Participating in user requirements gathering Working within a project team to specify, develop, test and deploy new CRM features and functionality Contributing to the wider work of the D&D team, including involvement with other CEC digital productsTraining:
To meet the requirements of the apprenticeship programme you will need to spend 6 hours a week of your time undertaking off-the-job learning, which will include:
Formal training, including online learning and internal learning events 1-2-1s with your coach and line manager Observing and shadowing colleagues Writing up learning reflections for your portfolioTraining Outcome:
Full-time employment upon successful completion of the apprenticeship.
Employer Description:
The Careers and Enterprise Company mission is to help every young person to find their best next step. They are the national body for careers education in England, delivering support to schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st-century careers education.
Working Hours :
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Communication skills,IT skills,Attention to detail,Customer care skills,Administrative skills,Logical,Initiative